The Director Of Business Services Works In Collaboration With Key Stakeholders And Will Be Accountable For The Delivery Of The Following Objectives
Identify opportunities to support and develop effective cooperation between the various functions of the administration.
Research And Development
Ability to critically appraise literature and apply research outcomes to practice and service development. Policy and Service Development:
Ability to identify and prioritize the need for policies and practice guidelines.
Ability to develop and critically review policies and practice guidelines.
Ability To Use Quality Improvement Methodologies. Analytical And Judgment
Ability to critically use operational, performance and outcome data to draw conclusions and develop action plans. Planning and Organizing:
Ability to develop operational plans in alignment with LTSP.
Ability to build and manage multidisciplinary teams.
Ability to develop networks, build and maintain relationships with other services/ organizations.
Ability to manage resources.
Abilit to mana e erformance and mentor staff.
MD or PhD in Healthcare Management or Finance or Business Management or Clinical Specialty or related field.
Masters in Healthcare Management or Finance Business Management or Clinical Specialty or related field.
Bachelors in Healthcare Mana ement or Finance or Business Mana ement or Clinical Specialt or related field
Six (6) years’ experience in related field, with at least two (2) years of senior managerial experience for MD or PhD degree. Eight (8) years’ experience in related field, with at least four (4) years of senior managerial experience for master’s degree. Ten (10) years’ experience in related field, with at least six (6) years of senior managerial experience for bachelor’s de ree.