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Compliance & Integrity
Each employee is responsible for conducting his or her activities on behalf of the company consistent with a high standard of business ethics and in compliance with the laws and regulations that govern our activities. Your obligation encompasses the following:
a. Takes personal responsibility for and demonstrates a high level of understanding of and adherence to the applicable internal policies, including but not limited to our Code of Ethics and Business Conduct and other policies applicable to your job, and external laws and regulations governing your activities.
b. Exhibits high business ethics standard in dealing with internal and external stakeholders, including dealing with others honestly and openly, showing accountability, being reliable and trustworthy and being loyal to the company.
c. Completes all required compliance and ethics related training within required timelines.
d. Encourages a high level of understanding of and adherence to compliance and ethics amongst colleagues and third parties.
e. Fully co-operates in any internal and external audits, investigations and inspections.
Education and Experience
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